The Mac Pro, by some performance benchmarks, is the most powerful computer that Apple offers.
Mac Pro is a series of workstations and servers for professionals that have been designed, developed and marketed by Apple Inc. Word of the Day: MAC PROS ( 51A: Apple varieties). CAPT(IONS) (54D: *Descriptive lines under photos).STUD(IOUS) (62A: *Earnestly hitting the books).VICAR(IOUS) (59A: *Experienced through another).CONTENT(IOUS) (54A: *Likely to cause an argument).SPEC(IOUS) (19A: *Misleadingly plausible).FACET(IOUS) (15A: *Inappropriately jocular).1-Across ( IOUS) for the starred Across clues, 1-Down ( IONS) for the starred Downs): or a hint for solving this puzzle's 12 starred clues) - the answers to starred clues make sense only if you tack on the endings found at SQUARE ONE (i.e. THEME: BACK TO SQUARE ONE (37A: Where you may go after reaching an impasse. but then I got DOOMSCROLLING at a glance, and then LAZARUS (ironically) dropped, and. I got PLOTZES and SEMOLINA, but still things weren't exactly Moving. Again, one letter off and everything goes to hell. TI OS hurt me at 20A: Some foreign relations ( TIAS). With the "A" from SCALD in there, I even said "STANEW-" out loud and shook my head: "that's not anything." But then I worked it out and dropped out of that corner and suddenly. Without the "O" from SCOLD, I was drawing blanks. wait, there's no connection between STONEWALL Jackson and the STONEWALL Inn, is there? Anyway, what I was trying to say was I was looking for a monument to a historical figure like FDR or Ida B. well, I was gonna say "like a general," but.

Cannot believe how long it took me to see STONEWALL (16A: _ National Monument, landmark in New York City's West Village)-without a specific reference to gayness, I was looking for more typical "monument" fare here, like a. It was less than graceful, my progress up there. I put in EELY, I pulled EELY, I put EELY back ( 19A: Hard to handle, in a way). I had significant trouble right up front with AT SEA (1D: Making a crossing, say) and SCOLD (3D: Tear into), the latter of which I wanted to be SHRED and then SCALD (!?). It even had that roller coaster thing where the car starts out moving pretty slow and then, suddenly, drops and you go flying every which damn way.

Well, despite the fact that CANCEL CULTURE is imaginary-nobody ever seems to truly get "canceled," they just go on to win awards, sell lots of records, etc., all while they or their fans complain about how they've been "canceled" (bigots and abusers love to play the victim)-and despite the fact that the DAILY MAIL is a right-wing rag, and despite the fact that all bridge terminology is complete gibberish to me ( END PLAY shmend play), despite despite despite, I loved this puzzle.